Leeds - Bradford
cancer prayer support Group

Group Leaders: Gaynor Hammond & Penny Lyon
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Gaynor 07810 855024 Penny 07507 295665
Group dates: First Tuesday of month 10.30 – 12pm
Location: Idle Baptist Church, Bradford Road, Idle BD10 9PE
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Gaynor 07810 855024 Penny 07507 295665
Group dates: First Tuesday of month 10.30 – 12pm
Location: Idle Baptist Church, Bradford Road, Idle BD10 9PE
Introducing our group
Our group is open to anyone who has been affected in some way by cancer. You may have cancer yourself and be undergoing treatment, you may be in remission or on the mend. Some of our people are or have been caring for a loved one with cancer. They too have valued the support of the group.
We are a small friendly group. The numbers who come each week vary, but there are usually 6-8 people. The group is open to anyone, people of faith, or no faith, you don’t have to be a Christian to come!
When we arrive, we greet one another over tea coffee and cake, and introduce new members. Some of us might not have seen each other for a month so there is a lot of catching up to do!
This part of the meeting is really important for us. It is a time to share what has been happening, people’s hopes and fears, with others who understand. During this time tears are sometimes shed – that’s ok, we all understand – but there is also much laughter - both are equally important.
After we have had our refreshments and catch-up, we think about things that are important to us. Where we find hope or comfort, feeling fearful, finding peace and encouragement. We look at some simple verses from the Bible and see how they might help us.
We pray for one another, and others we know who are going through struggles. We say a short, written prayer together before we leave.
At 12 midday lunch is served at the church for anyone who would like to stay and talk for longer.
Supporting one another is very important to us. We have a prayer sheet that can be used till we meet again. Only first names or initials are used to respect confidentiality.
Confidentiality is emphasised at the beginning of each meeting.
If you would like to join us, you can just turn up or if you prefer you can phone Gaynor or Penny and we will make sure one of us will meet you at the door of the church.
We are a small friendly group. The numbers who come each week vary, but there are usually 6-8 people. The group is open to anyone, people of faith, or no faith, you don’t have to be a Christian to come!
When we arrive, we greet one another over tea coffee and cake, and introduce new members. Some of us might not have seen each other for a month so there is a lot of catching up to do!
This part of the meeting is really important for us. It is a time to share what has been happening, people’s hopes and fears, with others who understand. During this time tears are sometimes shed – that’s ok, we all understand – but there is also much laughter - both are equally important.
After we have had our refreshments and catch-up, we think about things that are important to us. Where we find hope or comfort, feeling fearful, finding peace and encouragement. We look at some simple verses from the Bible and see how they might help us.
We pray for one another, and others we know who are going through struggles. We say a short, written prayer together before we leave.
At 12 midday lunch is served at the church for anyone who would like to stay and talk for longer.
Supporting one another is very important to us. We have a prayer sheet that can be used till we meet again. Only first names or initials are used to respect confidentiality.
Confidentiality is emphasised at the beginning of each meeting.
If you would like to join us, you can just turn up or if you prefer you can phone Gaynor or Penny and we will make sure one of us will meet you at the door of the church.